

Day: May 19, 2009

Overheard on Twitter: Penn or Penn State?

The Penn v. Penn State confusion strikes again…

Natty Nittany Links You to Fashion

What are you going to do this summer without Natty Nittany to show you the fashionable people on campus? Where will you turn for ideas about what to wear? Luckily, there are a few sites you can check out that will tide you over until the next semester. Today’s site is called: The Sartorialist. This […]

A Morning Stroll and a Shooting?

Last Wednesday morning at about 6:45 a.m., a Centre County woman was walking a dog with a friend by the mountain when she was shot by a turkey hunter. reported the following: The woman was walking near the Tussey Mountain Ski Resort on Bear Meadows Road when she was shot…Police said it was unintentional, […]

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