

Day: April 10, 2010

Alpha Epsilon Pi Suspended by IFC

The Penn State chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi has been suspended until the investigation into hazing allegations is completed. According to police reports, the fraternity forced recruits to binge drink to the point where two were sent to Mount Nittany medical Center for acute alcohol overdoses.

The full story after the jump

Spanier Mailed A Census – So Should You!

I guess I understand why people don't want to fill out the census: We have enough homework assigned every night --why should we have to complete yet ANOTHER assignment? And we don't even get credit for this one!

Well, we actually kind of do.

Penn State - University Park students make up roughly 75% of the State College population. This basically means that if we students don't mail the census back, then 75% of State College doesn't exist in the Census Bureau's eyes.

How does that affect you personally? Why should you care? Read more after the break.

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