

Month: August 2010

Congressman Thompson on National Security

According to Congressman Glenn Thompson, a Republican from Howard, PA (about 15 miles from State College), the estate tax (aka death tax) is a threat to national security. This was merely one quixotic proclamation by the congressional representative last evening at a talk on national security post-9/11. According to Congressman Thompson, the nation faces five significant threats to security, including lax borders, continuing operations in the Middle East, food security, debt, and energy dependence.

Find out more about his talk after the jump.

Innoblue Gears Up for the Year with Kickoff Event

When you walk into a frat house on a Saturday night, you expect a beer-covered floor and Solo cups strewn about. However, if you walked into the Beta Theta Pi house this past Saturday, the business casual atmosphere and food may have thrown you off.

At the innoblue.think Kickoff Event thirty or so members, prospective applicants, and community dignitaries were in attendance to learn about innoblue (formerly Project Blue Pill). Founded by Jon Tornetta and David Adewumi, it is an entrepreneurial think tank, where ideas are made and people work together to create them.

Find out more about the event and innoblue after the jump.

Name Change in Store for Beaver Stadium?

The rush is on. Penn State alumni and fans are urging Penn State officials to rename the current Beaver Stadium to Joe Paterno Field at Beaver Stadium, and they want it done while Joe still roams the sidelines.

According to reports by, alumnus Warren Armstrong has been actively persuading President Graham Spanier and athletics director Tim Curley to change the name of the stadium to honor Paterno, who is entering his 45th year and a couple wins shy of 400 career victories.

For more on a possible name change, read on after the jump.

UPUA Looking for New Members

The University Park Undergraduate Association is currently seeking a Secretary, Parliamentarian, At Large Representative, Off Campus Representative, and two Freshmen Representatives for the coming year. President Christian Ragland commented that the resignations that prompted these openings are "nothing new, [since] UPUA has open positions at the beginning of every year." He continued that although it is unfortunate that people had to resign, these new spots will "hopefully open doors for interested and qualified people to become part of UPUA."

If you're interested in applying, contact Jess Pelliciotta at [email protected].

The Future of Penn State Tuition

Onward State recently sat down with University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA) President Christian Ragland, Council of Commonwealth Student Governments (CCSG) President Mohamed Raouda, and Graduate Student Association (GSA) President Jon Lozano to discuss the University's acceptance of the proposal to have students sit on the University Budget Committee. This step will allow Penn Staters to play a more active role in deciding how Penn State funds are should be spent.

Read Onward State's interview with Ragland, Raouza and Lozano after the jump, and find out what this change will mean for you.

IFC Rush Week: Part 2

All this week, Interfraternity Council chapters are holding open houses as part of Fall 2010 Rush Week. Each day is devoted to a certain group of fraternities, and is designed to maximize potential members' exposure to the chapters. The second day of Rush Week brings us to a new group of fraternities, and with it a new series of events.

Read on to find out which chapters are holding events tonight...

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