

Day: October 17, 2011

UPUA Responds to Feedback: Proposed Amendment Would Ban Promotional Spending

Sides had been taken. The battle lines had been drawn. And Sunday afternoon's meeting of the UPUA's Steering Committee was shaping up to be one that defined the future of the organization. Rewind, if you will, to last Wednesday, when the UPUA passed legislation authorizing the purchase of promotional items, including sunglasses, cups, and pens, to the tune of $3,000 from its budget taken from the Student Activity Fee. During debate on the proposal, it received significant criticism from within, passing by a relatively slim 25-15 margin. It wasn't until the morning after that most UPUA members realized what they were getting themselves into. Academic Affairs Chair John Zang realized the negative implications immediately, but was on the short side of the voting Wednesday. And starting Thursday, he heard all about it.

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