

Day: December 7, 2011

Blue Out Movement Comes to $25,000 Fruition

A small idea from two graduate students at Penn State spread like wildfire to over 100,000 people to help spread awareness about child abuse, and what can be done to help. Today, a check will be presented to them and the Prevent Child Abuse Pennsylvania organization from the proceeds of the Blue Out Shirts from McLanahan's. McLanahan's presented a check from the money raised from the shirts, totaling an impressive $25,000.

Sandusky Arrested on Additional Abuse Charges

Jerry Sandusky was arrested today on additional counts of sexual abuse, in addition to the 40 he previously faced. Two more victims have stepped forward and accused Sandusky of abuse, and they have been added to the Grand Jury presentment released in November.

Bellefonte Prepares for Sandusky Hearing

The Bellefonte police are preparing for the inevitable media swarm to descend on their city next Tuesday when the Jerry Sandusky preliminary trial is set to take place. And they're not playing any games.

Onward Debates: Falling to the TicketCity is Fine by Me

Yes, Penn State was "snubbed" by a handful of bowl selection committees. But the fact of the matter is, we're still playing in a post-New Year's bowl, against a Top 20 team, in a decent location. Dallas can't be all bad, if the NFL saw it suitable to host the Super Bowl just last year.

Onward Debates: Bowl Committees are Cowards

When reports starting leaking Sunday afternoon confirming Penn State would be headed to Dallas for the TicketCity Bowl, my first reaction was one of disgust. How could this 9-3 football team, a team one field goal away from having a shot at playing to go to the Rose Bowl, slide all the way down to the second worst Big Ten bowl?

Give Your Blood to THON Today

What's with that blood stuff anyways? Apparently vampires don't exist (damn you, Twilight), so we're practically overflowing with that stuff. So what to do with it...How about donating it to THON? How about donating it today at the THON Kickoff Blood Drive?

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