

Day: April 18, 2012

UPUA Collegian Editorial Misses the Mark

The Daily Collegian's Board of Opinion published an editorial yesterday, opining that the UPUA would be better served to allocate money to student organizations as opposed to some of the initiatives outlined in their current proposed budget, which will be up for vote amongst the general assembly tonight, because the money would reach more students that way. The issue with this assertion is that there is already an organization, the University Park Allocation Committee (UPAC), which exists specifically for this purpose.

Onward Debates: Sisu-cks

I’ll be the first to admit that I love living in West Halls. It’s conveniently located, the dining hall is fantastic, and my room is much bigger than my freshmen counterparts in East Halls. However, the one thing that drives me absolutely crazy about West is Sisu, the now-infamous convenience store.

Onward Debates: Si-SUPER!

There are a few activities that most people associate with college students: studying (of course), drinking alcohol, and eating lots of food like the growing teens and twenty-somethings that we are. Now, I love to eat just as much as the next person, but when it comes to eating dinner in the dorms, the last thing I want is a Hot Pocket oozing with partially hydrogenated soybean oil, corn syrup solids, imitation mozzarella cheese, and artificial butter flavor with a side of distilled monoglycerides and L-Cysteine hydrochloride. Agree with me? Sisu is the place for you.

Board of Trustees Candidate Profiles: 1-20

With the alumni Board of Trustee election in full swing, Onward State will be releasing short profiles of each candidate over the next week or so.

Meet the New THON Overalls: Morale, Comm

Today's THON 2013 Overall Committee introductions include the new leaders of the Morale and Communications. Can you guess which one was a former model for Fisher Price?

UPUA ID Passes Budget, Assembly To Vote Tonight

The UPUA Internal Development Committee met last night to discuss and vote on the budget, which totals $137,350, for the coming academic year. After a short discussion and debate in which certain budget items were either clarified or axed, the committee was able to pass the budget to be presented to the general assembly at tonight's meeting.

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