

Day: June 14, 2012

Victim 9 Gives Emotional Testimony [Graphic]

There's a reason the prosecution saved Victim 9 for last.

In what was possibly the most graphic and disturbing testimony yet, Victim 9 -- the final victim to testify that has been identified from the Grand Jury Report -- told the jury that Jerry Sandusky had abused him over several years.

Investigative Agent Sassano Testifies About Sandusky

The first witness to testify after the lunch recess was Anthony Sassano, an agent at the Attorney General's office. He was assigned to the investigation in April or May of 2009 as part of a mutual investigation with the Pennsylvania State Police.

Victim 3 Takes the Stand on Day Four [Graphic Content]

Victim 3 -- as he is known in the Grand Jury report -- testified this afternoon before lunch recess.

Victim 6 Testimony Begins Day Four [Graphic Content]

Victim 6, now 25, testified that he met Jerry Sandusky at a Second Mile picnic in 1998. Soon after, in May of 1998, Victim 6 testifies that he was invited by Sandusky to go workout at a gym on Penn State's campus.

Update: 1986 Sandusky Championship Ring Removed from eBay

It appears that eBay has once again taken down the auction featuring Jerry Sandusky's 1986 National Championship ring. The original story is after the jump.

Don’t Forget the Student Ticket Sale

The night before football tickets go on sale can often be one of nerves and little sleep. Set alarms, be prepared with all of the information, and hope that nothing goes wrong. As has been discussed in terms of other events in addition to football tickets, Ticketmaster is not a perfect process. Below, we'll attempt to make it a little less daunting with some reminders from GoPSUSports and tips of our own.

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