Bill O'Brien's mouth tells the media that the first year Penn State head coach is nervous heading into Saturday's opener against the Ohio Bobcats. His demeanor sure isn't showing it. To be fair, he isn't really showing anything, but he and his players are ready for actual football.
I have been through the application process, and I know first hand that it is nerve-racking. So after talking to a couple overalls, as well as looking back on my experience, I have come up with a short do's and dont's list for filling out THON captain applications.
Last month, the NCAA took Penn State's wins and now they want their trophies. According to a report from WHPTV in Harrisburg, the NCAA expects Penn State to return the six trophies it obtained from the 1998-2011 period in which all wins were vacated.
Get ready for a new era of Penn State Football by camping out for front row seats at the newly renamed Nittanyville.
Faculty Senate convened for the first time of the academic year yesterday afternoon with an NCAA sanctions discussion at the top of the agenda.
Everyone's favorite student government organization, the University Park Undergraduate Association -- or UPUA -- will hold their first general assembly meeting of the semester tonight. Expect an unusually large turnout of six students at this evening's meeting as there is some hefty legislation on the agenda that will be debated and voted on.