A new drinking establishment opened up on Beaver Ave. Tuesday, giving the Phyrst a classier and more conspicuous counterpart. The bar has not officially been named yet, but the waitstaff said that it will likely be called "The Clover", sticking with the Phyrst's Irish theme.
And so it was yesterday afternoon, the Centre County Drug Task Force obtained a search warrant and came knocking at Room 202 of the Imperial 400 Motel along with agents from the Attorney General's Office. In the room, they found 75 bags of heroin with a street value of $1875.00, approximately 12 grams of synthetic marijuana with a street value of $200.00, cell phones, and $915.00 in cash.
The Board of Trustees have approved an $85,000 pay raise -- from $515,000 to $600,000 per year -- for President Rodney Erickson, which went into effect on November 1.
For the second year in a row, Penn State and the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal was named the sports story of the year by the Associated Press. This was the first time since the vote began in 1990 that the same story had been chosen two straight years.
Bill O'Brien was named the Maxwell Club Collegiate Coach of the Year earlier today, his second national coaching honor with more potentially on the way.