As the borough gears up to combat State Patty's Day, State College Chief of Police Tom King sent a letter to apartment landlords and residents urging them to exercise caution and restraint this weekend. The letter can be found below
In a flyer given to all residents, Meridian on College Avenue has stated that it will not allow residents to throw parties from Friday February 22nd through Sunday February 24th
We're deep into flu season, and with the number of outbreaks on the rise, there needs to be a serious talk about how to stop the spread of these ungodly germs. I know that professors preach the "if you're sick stay home" line on a regular basis, but we all know this is not the gospel truth. The same professors that tell us to make our health a priority are the very same who take percentage points off our final grades whenever we miss a class. So if you're going to go to class sick (and we all are) we need to follow some basic rules.
aturday afternoon: THON child Gavin Howe is still in the hospital after receiving a chemotherapy treatment on Tuesday. He and his family are unsure if they will even be able to make it to their first THON as a Four Diamonds family.
Monday afternoon: Gavin Howe is in remission, less than 24 hours after the end of THON '13.
If you're not interested in getting an actual job (who is?), State College offers a few other ways to score some dough.