

Day: May 7, 2013

Penn State Continues Fight in McQueary Lawsuit

In a new court filing made earlier this morning, Penn State lawyers are continuing to refute the claims made by former assistant coach Mike McQueary that the university harmed him and that he deserves more than $4 million in damages for lost wages and benefits.

Penn State Restores Contract with Adidas

Penn State restored its contract with Adidas today, after Adidas agreed to pay owed severance to Indonesian workers.

Grand Jury Judge Urges Curley/Schultz Case to Proceed

It has been nearly 18 months since Gary Schultz and Tim Curley were arrested on the first set of charges, and judge Barry Feudale, who presided over the Grand Jury that led to the charges, is tired of waiting.

Penn State Gets Credit for “Seven Nation Army”

It's one of college football's most popular chants and Penn State knows it better than anyone.

"Seven Nation Army" the first track on the album Elephant by American alternative rock band The White Stripes, has become ubiquitous in the Beaver Stadium gameday experience.

Arts Fest Named a Top 10 Summer Festival

Summer break may have just started yesterday, but it's never too early to think about coming back for the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts.

Just recently, Arts Fest was named on's top 10 list of Summer Festivals, coming in at a respectable No. 5.

Onward State Wishes You an Enjoyable Summer

Everyone at Onward State would like to wish you an enjoyable summer break and thank you for your continued readership over the last 9 months (And 4 and a half years, for that matter). We look forward to bringing you all the great news and minutiae that make Penn State so very special.

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