Construction on the long-awaited Fraser Centre could begin as soon as November and a national hotel chain has been added to the project. That's what Jack Kay, president and CEO of Susquehanna Real Estate, told the State College Borough Council at a Monday night work session. Once work begins the Fraser Centre would be completed within 22 months.
Penn State responded to a pending Sports Illustrated article last night that sent many Penn State beat writers into a frenzy.
The article written by David Epstein reportedly slams Penn State's medical program and administrative moves made over the past several months by Athletic Director David Joyner, who is an orthopedic surgeon himself. "Special Report: Do Athletics Still Have Too Much Power at Penn State?" is featured on the cover of this week's Sports Illustrated, seemingly unrelated to the actual article but a headline that is sure to grab some attention at the news stand. It is due out Wednesday on the web.
The reunion was made official yesterday when Hodges and Mauti both inked four-year rookie deals with the Vikings. Hodges is expected to make around $2.5 million over the course of the four years, similar to the contract that the player drafted in the same spot received last year. The terms of both contracts are currently unknown. Hodges was the first Viking draft pick to sign this offseason.