Josh Johnson, a Penn State senior, has tap danced his way through school in order to afford tuition. Now he wants to perform with Jay-Z.
Remember Code Blue? Neither do we. In an effort to reenergize the students rewards world, Penn State released the We Are! app, a loyalty rewards system to replace the former and grossly underutilized fan loyalty program. The goal is to generate interest around some of Penn State's non-revenue sports teams and reward students for attending games. The app was not widely publicized -- which was probably Code Blue's ultimate fate -- but it has recently been advertised in the Bryce Jordan Center during basketball games.
With Spring Break right around the corner, we caught up with the founder, Boombox Guy, to hear about the site's progress and his advice about Panama City.
Sidewalk Bikers, get this: It’s called a sidewalk for a reason.
Having never been to an IHOP before, I awaited it's arrival to dear old State College with apprehension and excitement. After push back upon push back it seemed like we were doomed to be IHOP-less forever. But then suddenly, and without warning, "poof". It appeared.