

Day: March 4, 2014

ESPN Exposé Claims Mike McQueary Was a Victim of Sexual Abuse, Bet on Penn State Games as a Player

Don Van Natta Jr.'s 6,900 word ESPN feature on Mike McQueary is making waves today for a number of new revelations about the former Penn State assistant coach's interesting past, and about his key testimony in the seemingly never-ending Sandusky saga.

Eric Barron Will Leave Florida State on April 2

Penn State President-elect Eric Barron will begin his transition from Tallahassee to State College in earnest on April 2, according to an email sent over the Florida State listserv last night by Board of Trustees Chair Allan Bense.

Penn State Breaks Down The State In Order To Dominate It

Similar to the way things worked under O'Brien, each assistant coach on Franklin's staff will recruit an area of the state, chipping in elsewhere as needed. And visits aren't wasted time and energy. If Penn State makes a trip to the western edge of the state to visit one recruit, staffers making the trip will visit other schools as well -- just to maintain a working relationship with high schools across the state.

Penn State is a Top Producer of Members Of Congress

Penn State's political junkies and aspiring politicians may have picked the right place to start their career in politics. According to The Huffington Post, Penn State is currently the alma mater of nine current members of the United States Congress, making it the tenth largest producer of people of such a distinction.

Cooper’s Town: Penn State’s Newest Student Section

Cooper's Town, Penn State baseball's new student section, is hoping to bring an exciting atmosphere to Medlar Field this season.

UPUA Sees Substantial Increase in Election Registration

The most exciting time of the Penn State calendar year is upon us, folks. That's right, you guessed it: UPUA election season is quickly approaching, and we have an idea of how many candidates you could see on the campaign trail.

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