

Day: February 9, 2017

Three-Star Linebacker Nick Tarburton Commits To Penn State

Penn State's top-ranked 2018 recruiting class kept the momentum rolling Friday with a verbal from Perkasie, Pa., prospect Nick Tarburton.

Brandon Marshall Compares Hackenberg To Pair Of NFL Legends

"That's what I love, like the guys who have that Tom Brady, that Peyton Manning leadership quality, the guys that are gym rats -- that's [Christian] Hackenberg," Marshall told WFAN.

THON Director Thursday: Meet Tech Director PJ Weaver

"As Technology Director, I work with my committee year-round to provide efficient & effective technical support to the rest of THON, and ensure that the organization’s technical needs are satisfied."

UPUA Prepares For Election Season With Information Sessions

Interested in running for UPUA's 12th assembly? Make sure to attend one of two information sessions next week.

Penn State Delays Classes Until 10 a.m. Due To Snow

Penn State delayed all classes and activities until 10 a.m. this morning for winter weather that dropped more than six inches of snow on State College overnight.

UPUA Funds Sunglasses And Moon Bounces For Movin’ On

UPUA voted to spend $2,221 on sunglasses and moon bounces for Movin' On, writing another chapter in the UPUA-branded sunglasses saga.

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