

Author: Becca Erdman

About the Author

Becca Erdman

Becca is a senior majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Sociology

Penn State Receives $3 Million Grant For Hybrid Battery Research

Penn State-led team receives $3 million grant for further hybrid card battery research.

10 Non-Canning Things to do During the Canning Weekend

Onward State compiled a list of activities for you to do while your friends are away canning this weekend.

Men’s Rugby Tackles Pediatric Cancer

When most people hear the term rugby, they think of hard-hitting, aggressive men with the highest levels of testosterone flowing through their bodies. Perhaps something like this comes to mind.  While the Penn State Men’s Rugby team is certainly an intimidating competitor on the field, they will combine their efforts to beat a new opponent […]

#College As Told By the Freshman Class

The transition from high school to college can be tough. Freshmen are adjusting to more difficult classes, a bigger campus, and a sea of unfamiliar faces. Not to mention, they're still getting used to the newfound freedom that comes with living away from home.

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