

Author: Charles Reinert

About the Author

Charles Reinert

Charles Reinert is a senior majoring in broadcast journalism. He hails from Norristown, Pennsylvania and is an avid Philadelphia sports fan. He loves playing his guitar, the color blue, and Tetris. If you feel the need to give him any positive or negative feedback, you can follow him on Twitter @charles_rein10 or email him at [email protected]

Student Life

What To Do In Pittsburgh Over Spring Break

If you're headed back to the Steel City next week, we've got you covered with what's going on in Alleghany County.

Student Life

Things Less Awkward Than Trying THON 2022’s Line Dance For The First Time

Trying to figure out the line dance without help is somehow more awkward than lecture hall shuffles or slipping on ice downtown.


Pop-Punk Southpaw Rocks The House At THON

Pop-punk tracks helped wake up the Bryce Jordan Center Saturday morning.

Student Life

Penn State’s Poker Club Isn’t Bluffing

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Time Stands Still: Preserving THON History Through A Time Capsule

"Fifty years from now, who knows how big THON will be? Sometimes, when you're a big organization, it's easy to forget your small roots."

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