

Author: Charles Reinert

About the Author

Charles Reinert

Charles Reinert is a senior majoring in broadcast journalism. He hails from Norristown, Pennsylvania and is an avid Philadelphia sports fan. He loves playing his guitar, the color blue, and Tetris. If you feel the need to give him any positive or negative feedback, you can follow him on Twitter @charles_rein10 or email him at [email protected]

Student Life

Where To Find Laundry Quarters In State College

Laundry day calls and you're out of quarters. Now what?

Student Life

Japanese Culture Convention ‘Setsucon’ To Return In Person Starting January 28

The convention is hosted by the Penn State Anime Organization, which has been celebrating anime, manga, and cosplay for more than 15 years.

Student Life

Nittanyville Fan Paints Dream Come True At Outback Bowl

One student received the opportunity of a lifetime when he got to paint Penn State's end zone at the Outback Bowl.


First Night State College Set To Return New Year’s Eve

First Night State College is coming back this year to ring in 2022 after being canceled last year due to the pandemic.

Penn State

Penn State Extends Winter Break For Full-Time Employees

Employees who work regular hours from Monday to Friday will receive two full weeks of paid time off beginning on December 20 and continuing through December 31.

Student Life
coffee club

Penn State’s Coffee Club Is Bringing The Buzz

The club is open to all, and members range from those who are intrigued by the science of coffee and those who simply like the coffee shop atmosphere.

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