

Author: James Turchick

About the Author

James Turchick

James is a senior majoring in digital and print journalism, James enjoys writing about anything weird and is deadly allergic to bees. Onward State people are very nice to him.

What You’re Really Voting On (In Addition To President)

In state and county elections, six offices could change hands in the coming year. The largest polling place in the state is at the HUB, so Penn State students could have a major impact on these elections, even if they seem secondary compared to the presidential race.

Students For Trump, Hillary Debate One Last Time Before Election

After a short commotion over how many members would debate for each side, Students for Hillary and Students for Trump debated foreign policy Thursday night in front of a rowdy audience.

As The Presidential Election Looms, How Will State College Vote?

Election Day is less than two weeks away. How will State College vote?

Senator And Former SNL Writer Al Franken To Campaign Penn State Friday

Franken, a member of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, will be speaking to State College residents between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on behalf of the Clinton campaign. The event will take place at the PA Democratic Coordinated Campaign Office at 112 W Foster Ave, Suite 2.

Franklin Explains Why Sickels Sat First Half Of Ohio State Game

"Garrett has been a model citizen for us for three years," Franklin said. "We just had a situation where we had a bye week and some guys wanted to get home early for the long weekend. He ended up not going to a class."

Nittany Lion On Ticket For Mascot Hall Of Fame

The Symbol Of Our Best is on the ticket for the Mascot Hall of Fame. This is an election we can get behind.

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