

Author: Katie Tully

About the Author

Your Housing Assignment Isn’t The End Of The World

Finding out your first-year housing assignment can be a really exciting first step in college, but for some, it can also be a letdown. Don't worry if you're disappointed though, your housing assignment isn't as bad as you think it is!

The 5 Stages of Leaving State College For The Summer

Having to leave state college and return home is an emotional roller coaster. However, you can take solace in the fact that there are thousands of other Penn Staters just like you going through the same five basic stages of readjusting to life outside of State College.

John Zang: The Original Mifflin Streaker

Each year on the Sunday before spring finals, Penn State students take a break from their arduous studying to participate in the Mifflin Streak, but how did this tradition get started?

The Diaries of a Gumby’s Delivery Guy

We all know what it’s like to get pizza delivered: you order the pizza then spend the next forty minutes asking how much longer until the pizza arrives, but what is it like to be the person that carries the key to your happiness from the pizza restaurant to your home? I took one for the team and sacrificed my Saturday night to walk a mile in a pizza delivery guy's shoes.

Who is Running for UPUA President?

It seems only natural that current UPUA Vice President Katelyn Mullen will run for President of the 8th assembly, but will we really see her name on the ballot?

Professor Sam Richards Attends UPUA Meeting

With zero pieces of legislature voted on last night and only three weeks left of UPUA’s seventh assembly, one may say that our student leaders are starting to act like the lame ducks.

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