

Author: Mike Reisman

About the Author

Mike Reisman

is a senior Supply Chain Management major with an Economics minor (Read: Business Douche) from South Jersey. He has an intense fear of graduating so please don't bring it up. He writes about stupid things nobody cares about, and student life if the site is low on content that is clearly supposed be funny but is really very unfunny. He is lovingly (?) known around the staff as Baby Mike which may or may not be because he has a child (hint: it’s not). He’s also a second generation Penn Stater who has been wearing Penn State sweatshirts since before he was two, a habit he hasn’t grown out of. If you really hate yourself, you can follow him on twitter at @mike_reisman or email him at [email protected]

Booze And Culture: Penn State’s New, Educational Look At Alcohol

Talking for even a few minutes with Dr. Kirk French about his new class, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the man has a passion for alcohol.

Hallo-Wine 5k Joins Wine, Running, And Philanthropy

The Hallo-Wine 5k will give wine-lovers and running enthusiasts a chance to combine their hobbies and give back to the community.

Virtual Reality Project Shines A New Light On Penn State History

As virtual reality climbs closer and closer to the mainstream, Penn State decided to embark on a little VR project of its own, trying to give students, alumni, and anyone else interested a glimpse into the school's past.

Freshman 101: Career Fair Dos And Don’ts

With the career fair in full swing, we have some advice to help you make the most of the twp-day event.

Penn State Deserves A Better Rival Than Pitt

Until Pitt can consistently reach the national stage again, Penn State deserves a better rival.

Places More Crowded Than Heinz Field On Pitt Gamedays

Though Heinz Field may be packed this Saturday, the average Pitt football game sees a turnout much worse.

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