

Author: Patrick Cines

About the Author

Patrick Cines

Patrick is a Marketing major from Princeton, NJ. He has sadly graduated and left Happy Valley, but if you're reading this know that he enjoyed writing about politics during his time with Onward State. If you have any questions about what he's written or you see a photo that you want to use feel free to email [email protected] if you don't want to get a response. If you're looking to get a response, then shoot him a message and a follow on Twitter at @patrickcines.


Former Governor Martin O’Malley To Debate Former New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte In Great Debate

The two political heavyweights will debate the topic of "American Politics: Where We Are and Where We Should Go."


Penn State To Kick Off Its First University-Wide Startup Week

After five years of putting on IST Startup Week, Penn State decided to expand the entrepreneurship to be a week long university-wide event.

White ‘Identitarian’ Group Identity Evropa Considers Seeking Student Org Recognition

Identity Evropa is actively working to obtain permits to set up tables on campus and is even interested in eventually becoming an officially recognized student organization.

Florida State University’s Graduate Assistants United Calls ‘Foul’ on President Barron’s Unionization Claims

Florida State University's Graduate Assistants United issued a statement in response to president Eric Barron's statements on unionization on the part of Penn State graduate students.

[PHOTOS] Penn State Relay For Life Raises $80,172.45

At all times during the 24-hour event (Yes, even in the middle of the night!), each team must have a participant on the track -- because cancer never sleeps.

Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board Host Conference Call With Penn State Attorneys Over Graduate Employee Unionization

"Penn State plans on doubling down on their argument that graduate employees are NOT employees -- they plan to challenge the Temple ruling," CGE Chief Media Officer Kyler Sherman-Wilkins said.

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