

Author: Shannon Soboslay

About the Author

Shannon Soboslay

Shannon is a Sophomore at Penn State with an undecided major. She's from the great city of Pittsburgh, and you can usually find her spreading an even amount of jelly on one slice of toast with an even amount of peanut butter on the other. Contact her at or shansobo on all social media sources

Student Life

Dancing My Way Through It: Shannon Soboslay’s Senior Column

"Choosing to dance through everything that college has thrown at me has made me a better person, and I will continue to dance through whatever else life has in store."

Student Life

[Photo Story] A First Glimpse At The Beautiful (And Infuriating) East Halls Renovations

Gone are the days of cramped communal bathrooms and wooden-clad dorms. Take a look at how first-year students will be living living in style from now on.

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