

Author: Yuka Narisako

About the Author

Yuka Narisako

Yuka legally immigrated to the United States via airplane in 1996 from the small island nation of Japan. Since then she has migrated throughout the country and now identifies herself as a senior majoring in Architectural Engineering. The Shandygaff is her Happy Place, though she was once kicked out of the establishment after breaking her shoe and screaming “I LOVE DAY DRINKING. I’M HAVING FUN.” Yuka is overly enthusiastic about life in general, but especially Ja Rule, Halloween, and the puffy black vest she purchased from the Gap. You can reach her at [email protected], or through Twitter @yukahontass.

Bryce Jordan Center is Now the Bon Jovi Center

In a push to draw crowds to Bon Jovi's Because We Can Tour, the Bryce Jordan Center has officially renamed the venue to the Bon Jovi Center, according to its website. Luckily, the BJC will still be able to be referred to as the BJC.

Dancer Profile: Brian Sanvido and the Epic Boulevard Sign

BLVD is short for Boulevard, and happens to be the only handheld cutout letters that LIGHT UP. I'd like to introduce you to the genius behind these fantastically lit up letters, who is also a dancer for the organization.

Larger Than Life: Fat Heads at THON

If you're as illiterate as me when it comes to reading Greek symbols, these fat heads are HEROES to find your organization this weekend.

Best Spots to People Watch at Penn State

Heavy foot traffic, abundance in open seating areas, and a massive student population make Penn State the perfect environment for people watching. Here are some of the best locations throughout campus and downtown State College to observe fellow classmates, professors, and strangers.

Give Gloves, Get Tan, Help America

The State College Spikes are teaming up with the B94.5 Morning Crew and Postal Express of State College to send America's finest a key part of America's pastime to show its appreciation. Behold, the "Gloves 4 Troops" campaign.

Need Some Obscure Nittany Lion Knick-Knacks?

There are several items on the shelves of McLanahan's Penn State Room that go a bit overboard with the blue and white. Or am I losing my mind and there can never be enough Penn State gear? You decide.

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