

Author: Laurel Petrulionis

About the Author

Annual “Greek Sing” Shows Off Greek Talents

Musical theater was alive and vibrant inside Eisenhower Auditorium on Sunday afternoon where Greek Sing took place.

Mayor Goreham to Speak at UPUA Meeting

State College Mayor Elizabeth Goreham will be in attendance at tonight's UPUA General Assembly meeting. She will be introducing herself to the new assembly and discussing her role as Mayor.

Onward Debates: Don’t Allow Ann Coulter’s Hate Speech

I am a huge proponent of free speech, but hate speech does not and should not count as free. Ann Coulter is not a controversial speaker, she represents a vile line of discriminitory thought that should not be allowed to come to Penn State -- especially not on my tuition dollars.

Penn State is Still Gay-Friendly

Though Penn State’s party rankings might have dropped this year, students can still be proud of a consistently high LGBT-friendly campus rating.

Awarded by Campus Pride, the LGBT-friendly Campus Climate Index takes eight factors – including campus safety and health support – into account. Yet again, Penn State received a ranking of five stars, which is the highest rank possible from the CCI.

Penn State Goes Green

While some Penn State students may choose to spend their April 20th doing activities that might not exactly be school-sanctioned, Earth Day celebrations will be celebrated all over campus today. A number of campus organizations are hosting myriad sustainably minded activities for students to attend.

Democracy Prevails: Expiration Dates Added to IDs

Students planning on voting in the upcoming November elections will now be able to use their Penn State IDs to fulfil the new Pennsylvania Voter ID law. This law mandates that every voter must have a state issued ID to vote in an election. After the UPUA voted to oppose the bill last fall, provisions for students registered to vote in the state of Pennsylvania were passed. However, the law states that College IDs must have an expiration date in order to be counted as a valid ID on election day.

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