

Day: September 29, 2009

The Visit To The Penn State Arboretum

The other evening after class I decided to venture over to Graham Spanier’s backyard across Park Ave. and check out the recently completed Arboretum at Penn State. The project, finally completed in the spring of ’09, has been planned since 1996. It took $10 Million in donations in order to finally break ground in 2007. […]

RIP Simmons Dining Hall

I glanced at the Collegian and decided today must be April Fool’s Day. Then I realized it was still September and bellowed with rage because SIMMONS IS CLOSING. Simmons Dining Hall fully caters to health-conscious students. AKA they actually serve vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Students flock to Simmons like the salmon of Capistrano. […]

Beta Alum Makes Website About Beta Wrongs

Alum Don Abbey is pissed. He sank good money into Beta, and the brothers repaid him by generally vandalizing and trashing the place. Abbey’s site,, has hundreds of pictures of Beta indiscretions. Documented on the site is the fraternity’s conduct file, dating back to 2007, and police record, dating back to 2006, as well […]
