

Day: January 20, 2010

Time to Go Wireless

Has your roommate ever cut all of your network cables in half after you stole his yogurt? Soon he and all other cable-shearers will be foiled, as ResCom has been introducing wireless computing into the dorms since the fall semester.

Though (annoyingly) students are required to have ResCom set up their wireless router, I do like that PSU is at least trying to set up a system for wireless. In addition to just being convenient, I would bet that PSU is also hoping to avoid problems like those described here; cyber-security is one of those buzzwords that every university wants to be up-to-date on.

Speaking of other universities, the University of Michigan will be fully wireless by this semester, according to the university website. We have to at least keep up with the rest of the Big 10. I really hope ResCom figures out a way to make this as painless as possible for everyone; wireless computing is supposed to make life more convenient, not more complicated.

For those living in the dorms, what do you think? Is it worth it to get wireless in your rooms?

10 Questions with Russ Rose

Yesterday, I had an opportunity to sit down for a few minutes with Women's Volleyball Coach Russ Rose. Having grown up in a volleyball family, Coach Rose has always been somewhat of an idol for me. Being able to ask him some questions was pretty awesome.

But enough of me waxing poetic here, let's get down to the good stuff. Read on if you want to find out about "the look", the difficulties of recruiting volleyball players to chilly State College, beach/sand volleyball, and much more!

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