

Day: January 20, 2010

First Annual Mr. & Mrs. THON Pageant

Come watch representatives from each THON Captain Committee compete for the title of Mr./Mrs. THON in the first annual pageant on Monday in Alumni Hall at the HUB.

Contestants will will be evaluated on their dancing skills, costumes, and other criteria. Be sure not to miss the group dance performance to a Gold Digger/Single Ladies mash up—complete with rapping! The grand prize remains shrouded in mystery, but it’s something every contestant will want during the upcoming THON weekend.

Doors open at 7:00 pm and the event will begin at 7:30 pm. Be sure to arrive early with your suggested $1 donation, as seating will be limited. And, even if you don’t care to see the shenanigans that are sure to ensue, just stop by FTK!

Changes Coming to ITS Labs: Windows 7

Last week, we let out a story about Windows 7 being implemented to all ITS labs starting this May. To find out some more information about this change, I talked with Marcus Robinson, Director of Marketing Communications at Penn State, to discuss the entire transfer process.

The facts are as follows - starting May 15th, 2010, Windows 7, 32 bit Enterprise Edition, will be implemented into all ITS labs. Starting April 15th, 2010, students, faculty, and staff will be able to test Windows 7 in demo centers in two different locations on campus. They will be located in the Pattee and Pollock 201 (not the eTesting center) open labs. You can consider these demo centers to be an open public beta for ITS and PSU to test the new operating system on the Penn State network, but also for people to get use to the new system.

ITS and Penn State will then be keeping an eye on the fully implemented system over the summer to be on the look out for any unexpected issues and to make sure everything works before 42,000+ students arrive for the fall semester. Mr. Robinson assured me that they do not anticipate any issues when the system is fully implemented.

Now what does that mean for you, the user? Even though ITS labs will not have XP anymore, there is no learning curve for Windows 7. Windows 7 has a very simple interface and everything will be in the same location as Windows XP. It just looks a lot nicer and is a lot faster than XP.

As for Snow Leopard being implemented on the Macs in the lab, that is still in discussion, and there is no official word on that. However, as soon as Onward State hears anything about that, we will be sure to let you know.

Reminder: Final Day to Drop/Add

Today is Wednesday, and aside from it being Wednesday, it is also the last day to drop or add classes for this Spring 2010 semester. Most students probably already have their schedules figured out for the semester, but it's still not too late to set things straight for these students:

Graduating Seniors


Students with Suicidal Tendencies Taking Impossible 400-Level Courses

Female Students That Took a Course Hoping to Pass by Seducing Their Teacher but Now Realize that He is Gay or Married

Male Students That Took a Course Hoping to Pass by Seducing Their Teacher but Now Realize that She is Married or Not Cate Blanchett

Overweight Students in Intensive Gym Courses

Squeamish Students in Biology Lab Courses and/or Criminology Courses that Cover Serial Killers

Overly Competitive Students or Students with Anger Issues in Martial Arts Courses

And any other students that for some reason do no belong in a course they are scheduled to take this semester.

Penn State Helps Haiti

It's been a little over a week since a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit the already impoverished nation of Haiti. Across the nation people have been working to provide aid to the island nation, from celebrities to former presidents to private citizens.

The Penn State community is no exception to this rule, with several groups and alumni both raising funds at home and providing aid on the ground.

Matthew Marek, class of '98, has been working in Haiti for a decade with the American Red Cross. He has remained in the nation and has become one of the major sources of information on the ground. Read on to see a clip of him being interviewed by CNN's Anderson Cooper and to find out what else Penn State is doing to help in Haiti.

College of IST Continues Search For New Dean

A job listing of sorts has gone up on Penn State Live in the hopes of recruiting a new Dean for the College of Information Sciences and Technology. Here is a summed up version of what the University is looking for in the new Dean of IST:

Have an intense understanding of the concepts that are taught and researched at the College of IST.
Have the credentials to be a tenured professor.
Be able to fundraise like crazy.

The committee in charge of choosing a new Dean is led by Honors College Dean Christian Brady. The committee will be accepting applications starting February 15 and will accept applications/nominations until the position is filled.

As a student of the College of IST, I'm looking for a few things from the new Dean:

  1. Update the IST and SRA degrees to be current with today's technology and issues.
  2. Create an Emergency and Disaster Management degree with focuses on prevention, response, and collaboration during crises.
  3. Invest in more collaborative space in the IST Building.
  4. Reduce class sizes across the board, even if they have to move IST/SRA classes outside of the IST Building.
  5. Hire more faculty to teach new and improved courses.

Atlas Poker Night Thursday

This Thursday night, Atlas THON will be having its second annual Texas Hold ‘Em poker tournament to benefit THON. Last year, the event singlehandedly raised over $500 and took place in the basement of Atherton Hall. This year, Atlas is going for a less Mafioso more public approach, as the tournament will be Thursday at […]

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