

Day: March 17, 2010

Collegian Seeks New General Manager

This summer, the Collegian's general manager, Gerry Hamilton, made a power play by firing news advisor John Harvey for insubordination. The move didn't last. Shortly after the Board of Directors reversed Hamilton's decision, not for the huge outcry from Collegian alumni but because he didn't provide evidence of Harvey's insubordination, Hamilton announced that he would be resigning.

The Daily Collegian is now looking for a replacement for Hamilton, who held the position for 35 years. If you think you can match that level of experience in managing an esteemed media outlet, check out the Collegian's application for the position.

Festival Name Now Up To Students

This year's spring festival's former name, "Last Call," was vetoed, according to UPUA President Gavin Keirans via his Twitter page. Keirans also said that the new name would chosen via a student body vote. To vote for the best name, go to the UPUA's website or the poll on The LION's site.

The voting deadline is next Tuesday, so hurry up!

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