

Day: December 15, 2010

Ex-AEPi Members Blast IFC, PSU in ‘Death to Greek Life’

We're still trying to figure out exactly what it is-- a class project, a documentary, a piece of organizational PR-- but 'Death to Greek Life' has been a great distraction in an otherwise typically dreary finals week. It's a pretty long video but pretty well made (and with some brotastic moments).

UPUA Top 5 Highlight Reel

At the risk of ESPN suing me, welcome to SportsCenter meets C-SPAN: the top five plays from the University Park Undergraduate Association this semester. The first full semester under President Christian Ragland has gone well. There have been a few missteps, but that's to be expected of any organization a) made up of students, and b) only at its fifth crack at this. People like to rag on the UPUA a lot (awful pun not intended—sorry, Christian) but hopefully this will convince you that they actually are doing a lot of good for us.

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