

Month: February 2011

How Many Deaths Can Penn State Greek Life Have?

This evening John Orsini-- a star of this winter's hit Death to Greek Life-- tweeted the following:

.bbpBox35180558271250430 {background:url( #000203;padding:20px;} p.bbpTweet{background:#fff;padding:10px 12px 10px 12px;margin:0;min-height:48px;color:#000;font-size:18px !important;line-height:22px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px} p.bbpTweet span.metadata{display:block;width:100%;clear:both;margin-top:8px;padding-top:12px;height:40px;border-top:1px solid #fff;border-top:1px solid #e6e6e6} p.bbpTweet span.metadata{line-height:19px} p.bbpTweet span.metadata img{float:left;margin:0 7px 0 0px;width:38px;height:38px} p.bbpTweet a:hover{text-decoration:underline}p.bbpTweet span.timestamp{font-size:12px;display:block}

was the new greek life video a response to death to greek life? prepare for the sequel @OnwardStateless than a minute ago via web

I cannot be the only one who would like to see a sequel... am I?

Former Trustee Discusses Penn State Greek History

Former Penn State trustee and State College raconteur Ben Novak was featured on, an online radio program about higher education. The program was started by Andy Nash, a Penn State alum himself. Novak's conversation with Nash centers around the history of fraternities at Penn State. Pretty interesting stuff. Check it out after the jump.

Music Mondays: Post-Bowl Playlist

Now that the weekend is over and we can finally stop hearing stupid Steelers chants, we need some new music to play on our way to class. Here are this week's (late) selections for Music Mondays to rock you through the pre-THON weekend.

Pasquerilla Spiritual Center

Pasquerilla Spiritual Center to Host Interfaith Breakfast

Join in the communion of the many religions present at Penn State Wednesday morning at the second annual Interfaith Prayer Breakfast. The commemoration will be held in the Garden Room (room 130) of the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center from 8:30-10:00 on February 9. Featuring music, prayer, and other forms of spiritual expression, the event is centered on the theme of celebrating compassion. And, of course, there will be free food.

Blue-White Weekend Set For April 15th-17th

Get that tailgating gear dusted off because Penn State Athletics has announced that Blue-White Weekend is set for April 15th-17th this year. While fun and festivities last throughout the entire weekend, the Blue-White spring football game, is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 16th at 2:00 p.m. Find out more details on the weekend after the jump.

Penn State THON 2011 Dancer List

THON is coming up quickly and campus is buzzing with preparations for next weekend's 46-hour dance marathon... I can't wait. For people like me-- snarkers and bloggers and journalists too-- THON is the year's most fun endurance event. This will be Onward State's third year covering THON and we're pumped. One of the thing's that's gotten better about THON for OS over time is that now we actually know people who are dancing! That's why I was excited to see THON release this year's dancer list. Check it out after the jump.

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