Last spring, Governor Tom Corbett and his Republican majority in the state government waged war against its public institutions of higher learning. Appropriations cuts of up to 50% were announced, which would've caused a catastrophic increase in tuition for the nearly hundred thousand students in the Penn State system, not to mention those at fellow state-related schools like Temple, Pittsburgh, and Lincoln, or the PASSHE colleges. However, this fall, our tuition payments were more in line with what they've been the past few years.
SPA is bringing everything but the kitchen sink to Penn State as Alton Brown will be part of this year's Distinguished Speaker Series. The star of Food Network's "Good Eats," a James Beard Award winner, and a New York Times best-selling author, Brown will bring his distinct experiences and expertise to Eisenhower Auditorium on September 28th
Former two-term United States Senator and current Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is hitting the campaign trail this week and has several events planned in Centre County on Tuesday. Santorum, who graduated from Penn State in 1980, is scheduled to appear at the Centre County Grange Fair early in the afternoon and will later hold a public meet-and-greet in the HUB-Robeson Center.
One thing that has surely crossed all minds is THON. While we are only beginning to wonder about the upcoming THON year, Overall Elaine Tanella, and a good number of other THON overalls and captains have been hard at work all summer. To pull off the spectacle that is THON, you need an entire year. In the hopes of satisfying your FTK curiosity, I talked with Elaine to see what they have been up to during our absence from Happy Valley and to get to know the person who is heading up this mission.
There are two sides to every story, and when it comes to fraternities you most likely either love them or hate them. Those who join tend to find that the fraternity greatly improves their college experience, while those who avoid fraternities usually believe they're much better off. Yet, as the saying goes, don't knock it 'til you try it; you can't know what to believe until you see it for yourself. And this week's your opportunity.