

Month: January 2012

Walking 101

I'm a firm believer in nonverbal communication. A relaxed head-nod or a strategically raised eyebrow can speak volumes to the recipient.

When we walk on campus or downtown, we unconsciously send messages about ourselves to everyone we pass. Some of these messages are personality-driven and some are alcohol-infused. Either way, it's fun to make assumptions.

The Calm Between Storms

Beginning Friday morning, I read many comments and stories from Penn State fans saying that the day marked the beginning of the rest of their lives. While I have not yet generated my own phrase to describe a post-Joe Paterno world, I do believe this time can serve as a period of quietness after 83 days of chaos.

Campus Gyms Leave Much to be Desired

There are roughly 44,000 students on this campus and we have two legitimate gyms to pick from: Rec Hall and the White Building. Rec Hall’s maximum occupancy is 240, the White Building is 210. Essentially if for every 100 people at Penn State, one goes to the gym at a certain time, both facilities would be at capacity at that time. That just isn’t enough space. Check out more after the jump!

Plasma For Beer Money: The Broke Penn Stater Solution

I came back to campus this semester with a pretty dismal bank account and decided to give the whole plasma donation thing a chance. Plus, the chances of finding a paid job that doesn't involve a visor seemed kind of unrealistic so I tried to forget all the times people told me "The needle they use is HUGE," and googled the BioLife website and made an appointment.

THON is Just Around the Corner

With the turning of the calendar to February tomorrow, we enter the homestretch for THON. Fundraising is kicking into high gear, and dancers, organizations, and committees are beignning to prepare for the best weekend that Penn State has to offer.

Paterno family to sell DVDs of “A Memorial for Joe”

Joe Paterno’s son, Scott, has announced that the family will be selling DVD copies of the memorial service on a website that will be announced in the coming weeks.

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