My fellow editor, Kevin Horne, did no wrong in publishing his post. He initiated public criticism of THON, something most irrationally fear, and is necessary to the vitality of the program. His concerns are valid, and only seek to craft a more dynamic philanthropy. However, I have my disputes with the arguments that he crafted.
Yesterday, my friend and fellow editor Kevin Horne voiced his opinion on THON, sparking a day and night of debate, discussion, and a whole lot of criticism towards Kevin's opinion. Today, I address that criticism, asking you to step back and examine the real point of the post.
If you want to do something much more awesome than destroy Penn State's reputation this weekend, seeing this week's HUB movie is a great alternative. I saw the movie several times in theaters, and though the Muppet fan in me has a few issues, bear with me- even a lesser Muppet Movie is still a great movie.
On February 14, members of Penn State’s School of Architecture submitted an entry to the Buckminster Fuller Challenge--described as “Socially-Responsible Design’s Highest Award” by Metropolis magazine.
Seven freshmen, four sophomores, two juniors, and one senior. There's no doubt that the Penn State Nittany Lions men's basketball team is young. The majority of the players we've seen take the court this season will be here for at least the next two years. Like it or not, there won't be very many changes to the roster during the coming offseason.