

Day: April 18, 2012

Bike rack

Top Ten Reasons to Ride a Bike

The sun is overhead. The temperature is rising. Yes, ladies and's bike weather.

Democracy Prevails: Expiration Dates Added to IDs

Students planning on voting in the upcoming November elections will now be able to use their Penn State IDs to fulfil the new Pennsylvania Voter ID law. This law mandates that every voter must have a state issued ID to vote in an election. After the UPUA voted to oppose the bill last fall, provisions for students registered to vote in the state of Pennsylvania were passed. However, the law states that College IDs must have an expiration date in order to be counted as a valid ID on election day.

It’s Alabama All Over Again: PSU Sportsmanship Team is Looking for Fan Ambassadors

When Alabama came to Happy Valley last fall, there was much ado about respecting the visitors and fans that came with them. While it was sightly overboard, the intentions were of good nature. However, anyone who has ever watched a game from the student section knows that not everyone represents Dear Ole' State with the pride and class that they should.

Erickson, Admins Host Snoozer of a Town Hall

Yesterday afternoon, President Rodney Erickson and other key administrators held an open town hall forum in the HUB where they discussed issues ranging from rising tuition to the viability of Commonwealth Campuses.

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