The next witness was the high school football coach of Victim 1. One time, he says that he Saw Sandusky on top of Victim 1. "Jerry propped himself up on one arm," the coach said. "He said, 'Hey coach, I'm just working on some wrestling moves!' I didn't think anything of it at the time," the coach said. "I thought, 'He's Jerry Sandusky. He's a saint. What he's doing with these kids -- it's fantastic.'"
In a surprise move, Mike McQueary -- who wasn't expected to testify for another couple days -- was called to the stand. McQueary is known for witnessing the now-infamous Lasch shower incident, where he claims to have seen Sandusky abusing a young boy, referred to as Victim 2 in the Grand Jury report.
Victim 1 finished his testimony this morning, fielding questions from Joe Amendola regarding his varying testimony to police officers and the Grand Jury.
It was a dreary, rainy day in Bellefonte, and the testimony was just as depressing.
Victim 1, as he is known in the Grand Jury report, is a recent high school graduate the youngest of Sandusky's accusers. He took the stand today to give his accounts of over 20 incidences of abuse committed by Jerry Sandusky from 2007 and 2008.
Gary Schultz is in trouble.
KDKA-TV out of Pittsburgh is reporting that Gary Schultz, former Penn State Vice President of Finance and Business, kept a "secret file with allegations regarding Sandusky and child abuse." This report comes from new documents obtained by the Attorney General.