

Month: June 2012

BOT Adds Four Student Government Seats

The Board of Trustees has officially invited representatives from the three major Penn State student governments to sit in on private committee meetings that are held the day prior to the general public board meetings. Four seats will be available for the three presidents of the University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA), the Council of Commonwealth Student Governments (CCSG), and the Graduate Student Association (GSA), with the fourth seat rotating each year between UPUA and CCSG.

Penn State Engineering Students Invent Clipboard+

Penn State students are engineering an innovative and simple design for clipboards to incorporate smartphones or the iPad called Clipboard+. Using Kickstarter, the students are hoping to raise $10,000 for the project before July 18th.

The Prosecution Delivers Closing Remarks

Following the defense's remarks and a short recess, head prosecutor Joe McGettigan delivered the closing remarks for the Commonwealth.

Joe Amendola Delivers Closing Statement

Everyone knew from the start that Joe Amendola had a difficult task ahead of him, and now seven months later, all he can do is wait.

Judge Cleland Delivers Jury Instructions

It's only been eight days -- far less than most people had anticipated -- and the Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse trial is already coming to an end.

Two Additional Character Witnesses Testify

Several additional character witnesses were called this morning, including a former Second Mile participant who had only positive interactions with Sandusky.

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