With the theme, "It's ok to Bee...," National Coming Out Week at Penn State allows students the opportunity to "Come Out, Speak Out" within their campus community. Find the full schedule of events after the jump.
Penn State President Rodney Erickson released a brief statement following the sentencing of Jerry Sandusky.
Wearing a red jumpsuit with "CENTRE COUNTY" emblazoned on the back, Jerry Sandusky sat there in front of the young boys he victimized. He sat there, a sad, pathetic shell of his former existence, and looked somberly, one by one, as the boys he abused told the world once again what he had done to them. He closed his eyes, rocked back in forth in his chair, with the hollow gaze of a man responsible for so many tears, so much evil.
Penn State alumnus and first openly gay NBA player will return to campus on October 15th to give a lecture at the HUB inspiring students to be true to themselves.
Pennsylvania’s voter registration deadline is today. If you haven't yet registered, do it now -- and read more after the jump for details on how to check your registration status and how to apply to vote by absentee ballot.
Have you ever wanted to make your very own Pokey Stix? I didn’t even know Pokey Stix existed until a couple weeks ago when they were mentioned in an Onward State post. Given that I’m a townie, my friends were shocked and appalled to say the least. Apparently it’s a well-known fact that if you are inebriated and looking for something to eat, you order Pokey Stix from Gumby’s pizza. I was intrigued, a recipe was found, and the Pokey Stix making commenced!