

Day: February 1, 2013

Governor Corbett Announces Appropriation Proposal

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett announced a budget plan Friday that includes level funding for Penn State and other state related universities.

Accompanied by university representatives in Harrisburg, Governor Corbett unveiled the higher education part of the state budget which includes a $1.58 billion contribution to higher education in Pennsylvania.

Farewell to the Schwab Pipe Organ

It's always a sad day when a piece of Penn State history is lost. It was only a year ago that we said goodbye to the venerable Old Main elm. Although two years its junior, Penn State will lose another piece of campus history, this time in the form of the Schwab Pipe Organ.

How a Dancer Preps for THON: 14 Days to Go

With just 14 days to go until THON 2013 and all 708 dancers selected, now is the time to really get serious about getting in shape for THON. Find out how one staff writer is adjusting her diet and lifestyle to prepare for the 46 hours inside!

Super Bowl Sunday Recipes For The Amateur Apartment Chef

Real, homemade gameday food isn't as hard as you might think. You can make it yourself. It will be delicious. Your friends will be extremely impressed. You'll have a full stomach. Your Super Bowl party will be the best between University and Atherton. But how? That's where me and my esteemed colleague Catie Simpson come in.

Maggie Lucas

Lady Lions Lose Shocker at Wisconsin

The Lady Lions were handed their first Big Ten Conference loss on Thursday night in Madison, Wisconsin as the Badgers beat them 63-61.

Cameron Jordan: Beats from the Hip-Hop Spectrum

From Hollywood High School to Happy Valley, Cameron Jordan (@KidStampede) has come a long way in his music career. Starting in the ninth grade simply "to get girls," Cameron began taking his rapping as a much more legitimate hobby by the time he came to Penn State.

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