It looks like one Penn State student has allegedly been taking advantage of the new unlimited bandwidth in Pollock Halls.
For two years, Glenn Carson has played the most important position on Penn State's defense, yet still managed to go unnoticed at times, overshadowed by bigger and more decorated names. Now, as the revered Michael Mauti and Gerald Hodges set their sights on an NFL career, it is up to the senior middle linebacker to help carry on the mantel of Linebacker U, surrounded by an inexperienced supporting cast.
Casimir Loxsom is the fastest thing on this side of the Mississippi...on two legs...that goes to college. But still, that's pretty fast.
In a 2012-2013 college destination index done by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), State College ranked third in “Best College Town and City” for the under 250,000 residents category.