Jordan Hill is heading west. The former Penn State defensive tackle and All-Big Ten selection in 2012 was selected by the Seattle Seahawks in the third round of the 2013 NFL Draft with the 87th pick and will join a talented roster in the NFC West.
In what could probably be classified as the dumbest move on social media today, Big Boi backup singer Keisha Jackson (@keishajackson) tweeted that she was playing at "Sandusky Land" today mere hours before she is set to take the stage at the annual Movin' On music festival.
Life’s funny. I never thought I’d end up here, writing to you all from my seventh floor apartment on Beaver Avenue. As a matter of fact, I never thought I’d end up at Penn State until my life took an unforeseen turn during my senior year of high school.
Last night, the Overall Committee for Relay For Life of Penn State 2014 was chosen amongst more applicants than ever before in its 10 year history.
It's almost time to head back home and slave away with your recently landed internship or lousy paying busboy job, but don't fret. If you live close enough to Happy Valley to journey back for a good time, here are the five events you should not miss out on.
From Sneezy the Squirrel, to sports upsets and Big 10 titles, to finding out Aaron Carter still has a career, we salute this school year and look back on its most memorable events.