

Day: September 16, 2013

Ken Baumgarten Has the Best Wiener in State College

You know him as the dude with hot dog cart in the parking lot behind the Lion's Den. His name is Ken Baumgarten (@KensBestWurst) and he has been running his cart since May 2011, feeding the bright minds of Penn State one hot dog at a time.

10 Questions with Feature Twirler Matt Freeman

You know him as the veteran Feature Twirler for the Penn Sate Majorettes. Since arriving on campus four years ago, Matt Freeman has performed in front of hundreds of thousands of Penn Staters every Saturday in Beaver Stadium. Just recently, Freeman became engaged to his college sweetheart, fellow majorette Meredith Semion.

Tribal Threadz: Bringing Peru to Penn State

PSU student David Grossman has created Tribal Threadz, a company that sells Peruvian tribal print hats. The sales benefit both the Peruvian economy and charities.

Allen Robinson Leads Fan Vote for Biletnikoff Award

Allen Robinson leads the fan vote for the Biletnikoff Award. Have you voted yet?

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