

Day: December 4, 2013

New InState Magazine Dedicated to Diversity and Culture

This November, Penn State students launched InState Magazine, a digital publication dedicated to the university's culture, diversity, the arts, local area and more.

Alpha Delta Phi Becomes Penn State’s 50th IFC-Recognized Fraternity

The Penn State Interfraternity Council welcomed Alpha Delta Phi as Penn State's 50th IFC-recognized fraternity following a vote at last night's President's Council meeting.

[Video] CBS: John Urschel Crushes Calculus Off the Field

Few Penn State football players, past and present, have received more media coverage than now-former offensive guard John Urschel. It's for good reason. The letterman also happens to be a math whiz and earned a perfect 4.0 GPA at Penn State while pursuing a mathematics degree and two master's degrees.

UPUA To Host Weekly Sexual Violence Prevention Roundtable

A new UPUA roundtable will meet weekly to discuss sexual violence protection, according to a UPUA press release. The decision to start the roundtable discussion comes during a rough semester for Penn State, where 17 sexual assaults have been reported to the police in the last four months.

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