

Day: December 6, 2013

Panhellenic Council Hopes to Add New Sorority For First Time In 20 Years

For the first time since 1992, Penn State's Panhellenic Council is open for an extension, which is the formal process used to charter a new national chapter into the Greek community.

Women’s Tennis Coach Dawna Denny-Wine Resigns

Yet another Penn State coach has stepped down as Dawna Denny-Wine, the head coach of the women's tennis team, announced her resignation this afternoon.

Greek Sing 2013 Goes Off As A Success

The annual Greek sing went down last night at Eisenhower Auditorium, with the members of Penn State's Greek community putting on a Broadway style showcase.

Sen. Mitchell Praises Penn State in Fifth Quarterly Report

Sen. George Mitchell released his fifth quarterly report on Penn State’s athletic integrity compliance, as required by the NCAA consent decree. Just like in his first four reports, Mitchell had high praise for Penn State's compliance with all athletic integrity issues and the progress made in implementing recommended changes in the Freeh report.

The Best of State College Craigslist

I have thumbed through Craigslist, looking for some of the, um, "best" things the site has to offer. Here are my findings:

Brewing Beer In The Happiest Of Valleys

The Happy Valley Brewing Company opened around a month ago, and are now finally offering their own beers. We were impressed the last time we went, but no review can be complete without sampling a micro brewery's hand crafted beer. Fellow writer Steve and I took it upon ourselves to do some hard hitting journalism, and we recently traveled to the HVBC to taste their new selection.

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