

Month: April 2014

Pink and Black: The History of Penn State’s Original Colors

So why did we adopt the colors blue and white two and a half years after the student body chose pink and black? The available records on this subject are not extensive, but according to university archives, the reason was two-fold: The color pink faded to white after a few weeks in the sun, and the school’s baseball club was mocked for its pink and black uniforms by an opposing team.

UPAC Releases Student Activity Fee Spending Summary

I am providing a summary report of how your SAF funds were spent in a semester of the 2012-2013 academic year. It is my hope that this information provides you with greater insight on how your $85 per semester activity fee was used to enhance the experiences of you and your peers.

Where the Lady Ducks At?

The sun is out in State College, the birds are bumpin', and the ducks are back at the duck pond. Some of the ducks that is. Anybody with any duck knowledge (I'm looking at you, Ag Majors), may have noticed that the only mallards to spend any time at the pond are exclusively male. We here at Onward State began to worry—where did the lady ducks go? Why aren't they with their men? So we did a little research.

Penn State Application Numbers Surge, Up 10,000 From 2013

President Rodney Erickson said the university is on pace to receive 120,000 applications for enrollment at Penn State. At this point, approximately 119,000 applications have been received but Erickson expects more to come before the window closes.

Penn State Astronomer Discovers Coldest Brown Dwarf, The Fourth-Closest Star To Sun

A Penn State astronomer made a big discovery recently, finding the universe's coldest known brown dwarf.

Started From Altoona Now I’m Here: Mara Kern’s Senior Column

I came into my Penn State experience with a bit of dread and a lot of uncertainty. But every person throughout my Penn State journey has left their unique hand print on my life- and for that, I am thankful. Every year I have learned not just in the classroom, but especially outside of it. Here are some of those lessons.

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