

Day: May 9, 2014

Penn State is Awesome, Take Advantage of That: Bill DiFilippo’s Senior Column

Go to parties. Go to games. Go to class when you can. If there’s a concert, go to that. Do bar crawls. Climb Mount Nittany. Get involved with clubs and other stuff around campus. Hell, if you and your roommate want to go get lunch in Pittsburgh, get in a car and go to Pittsburgh. Doing spontaneous stuff is the best thing about college. So do spontaneous stuff. Worry about real life later. It’s more fun that way.

You Will Be Ready: Ali Fogarty’s Senior Column

It might not seem like it, but when you're about to graduate, you'll be ready to.

Snappy’s: Renegotiate My Lease When September Ends

Snappy's convenience store, located on the corner of College and Pugh, is set to close at the end of September due to high rent.

What Goes On Behind The Scenes At Graduation?

For a university with one of the largest undergraduate enrollments in the county, organizing a commencement ceremony is no simple task.

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