Aaron Carter announced a fall tour via Twitter today, and the Nov. 4 stop has him in State College for the third time since April 2013.
The recent spat of big donations to Penn State continued today, as the university announced alumnus John Leone will gift it $2 million for intercollegiate athletics and the College of Arts and Architecture.
The Arby's on South Atherton and West College that had been in business for at least four decades before its August 2011 closure has been demolished in preparation for the construction of a new multipurpose building.
As the oldest motel in Pennsylvania, the AutoPort on South Atherton has begun to show signs of wear. That's why Anthony Melchiorri and the rest of the Travel Channel's "Hotel Impossible" have started filming at the location to return the AutoPort to its former glory.
This is pretty cool: Patrick Mansell, Penn State's news and relations photographer, took images from Penn State's yesteryear and photoshopped them with today's images to show just how different campus life was back then.
all know that the Penn State philanthropic spirit can easily affect those around us who may have not attended Penn State. That spirit left a lasting impression on friends of alumni Brandon Lyons, who recently suffered a tragedy of his own.