

Author: Ted Hozza

About the Author

Ted Hozza

Ted is a senior majoring in Community, the Environment, and Development, or as his friends here at Onward State like to call it, Architecture. You can probably find him at the Phyrst late at night with other Onward Staters if he's not somewhere else editing articles. You can follow him on Twitter @TedHozza or email him at [email protected].

I’m Leaving Home: Ted Hozza’s Senior Column

Ted Hozza reflects on his four years at Penn State.

Alumni Fellow Dr. David Han Announced As Faculty Trustee

Alumni Fellow Dr. David Han was approved for a full vote of the Board of Trustees by its Governance Committee this afternoon to serve as its faculty representative.

Music Monday: Year In Review

This week's Music Monday features the best songs of this past year.

First Friday To Close Pugh Street, Feature Outdoor Dining

Pugh Street will transform into a pedestrian mall for this month's First Friday event.

Music Monday: Jump Back To Junior Year

Seniors, enjoy the sounds of last year in this week's edition of Music Monday.

Steve Spurrier On Joe Paterno: ‘I Think He Got A Bad Deal’

Add Steve Spurrier to the list of famous college football coaches to support Joe Paterno. In an interview with The State, a Columbia, S.C. newspaper, Spurrier reflected on his upcoming 70th birthday, and weighed in on the legacy of Penn State's longtime coach.

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