

Day: July 3, 2014

Barron Creates Sexual Assault/Harassment Task Force and Health Care Advisory Committee

President Eric Barron e-mailed Penn State's faculty and staff yesterday to announce the creation of a sexual assault and harassment task force as well as a health care advisory committee.

Jesse James Named Preseason First Team All-Big Ten by Sporting News

Sporting News has named Jesse James to their Preseason All-Big Ten Team ahead of the upcoming season.

Student Jogger Taken to Trauma Center After Car Collision

An female Penn State student was taken to a nearby trauma center this morning after being hit by a car on Atherton Street.

D.J. Newbill Invited To LeBron James Skills Academy

D.J. Newbill is heading to Vegas, but not to celebrate his team's unexpected place in the recruiting rankings -- the rising senior guard will take part in the LeBron James Skills Academy starting July 9.

Lady Lions’ Pink Zone Raises Record $310,000 for Breast Cancer Charities

The Lady Lions basketball team announced today that their Pink Zone raised $310,000 to donate to the fight against breast cancer. The money raised will go to six different foundations, including Mount Nittany Medical Center and Penn State's own Penn State Hershey Cancer Institute.

Penn State To Offer First Dual-Language MOOC

The MOOC takeover of higher education continues! But seriously, MOOCs have an important place in modern academia, and Penn State has capitalized, now offering its very popular "Creativity, Innovation, and Change" MOOC in Chinese.

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