

Day: August 29, 2014

UCF Unveils Irish Helmets For Penn State Game

Some think it's edgy for Penn State to keep the names of the backs of its jerseys for the UCF game, so imagine what they'd think if it threw four-leaf clovers and a pot of gold on the ol' white and blue helmets like UCF is doing.

NCAA Official: No Decision Has Been Made on Sanctions

NCAA chief legal officer Donald Remy said that no decision has been made regarding a possible reduction of Penn State's sanctions, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Gameday Coverage: Croke Park Classic vs. UCF

It's finally here! Penn State will kickoff against UCF at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday. Here's all the media information you'll need.

Tell Us What You’re Doing For The UCF Game

Saturday's season opener against UCF, is, of course, a unique one for Penn State fans. So whether you're in Ireland or back home, we want to see how you and your friends are choosing to watch the game.

What’s The Deal With The Icelandic Volcano?

In case you missed it last night, the Icelandic volcano we've been talking about for the last week began erupting (and yes, I'm tired of updating our other post on it).

List of Bars Open For Penn State-UCF Game

We've compiled a list of all the bars that plan to be open early on Saturday for the UCF game.

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